Friday, June 18, 2010

Little known facts of Galician history. Parts I-VI

Those of you who are interested in political History will surely find this article useful and worth reading. Being a historian myself I learnt a lot from it.
Unluckily there are no links to the following parts so you'll have to change the numbers in the link.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Iranophobia in Israel. Interview with proofessor Haggai Ram

"Iranophobia in Israel started immediately hand-in-hand with the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Then, with time, it took different shapes. It was not a static phenomenon, but a historical phenomenon that reacted both to prophecies and events that took place outside the boundaries of the Jewish state. And at times it was a reaction to phenomena and circumstances that took place within the boundaries of the Jewish state<...>.

The tragic thing is that both Israel and the United States see eye to eye with respect to the threat that a nuclear Iran might pose to them. Just a few days ago we had the head if the Joint Chiefs of Staff visiting Israel, announcing unequivocally the United States would not permit Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and if that should happen the US will help Israel in its attempt to eliminate that eventuality. So the fact that both Israel and the United States see eye to eye on that is not a very welcoming idea."

See the whole interview on

Lobby which plays with America

If you look through everyday titles of White House press-releases, it may seem that great reforming is on in the USA: initiatives follow one another, and acute problems are being attacked from unexpected directions. America’s advantage is that everything is spoken openly there. One can hardly notice in such a fuss that there are not so many positive changes in reality, and acute problems remain unsolved for decades. One of the most serious of then is unregulated and disorganized financial and banking sphere which has led world economy to crisis and doesn’t want to be changed.

You'll find the whole text here:

Future of Karabakh conflict as viewed by Russian experts

Activization of negotiation process, regarding Karabakh settlement, contributed to the extension of Russian expert community attention both to problems of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and to peculiarities of international relations in South Caucasus.
Here is the article written by Dr. Niyazi Niyazov, an associate Professor of he School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University. Majoring in Caucasian studies, Dr. Niyazov provides a thorough analysis of the situation in Karabakh from different angles.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

EU: between Russia and the USA

Today Europe is facing a hard time trying to find a balance between Russia and the USA. It is clear that Europe has lost its top priority place on American foreign policy agenda and Russia can not replace the USA's image of a big reliable boss.
Russia, in its turn, has lost its illusions about the possibility of full integration in to the European structures and reoriented its interests eastward.
Besides, both actors are divided by energy issue which prevents Europe from seeing Russia as totally friendly and positive neighbor with no hidden jokers in his pockets.
The article I link here is a bit old but it didn't lose its relevance and importance.

Taliban in Afghanistan: returning to power or path to nowhere?

Here is a rather good article on the history of Afghanistan war in 1978-2010. Helps to see how it all happened. and

Israeli blockade of Gaza Strip

Resolutions of UN Security Council, e.g. Resolution 1860, point directly that “Gaza Strip constitutes an integral part of the territory occupied in 1967 and will be a part of the Palestinian state”.

Thus, as one can see, Gaza Strip is not a subject of international law, so in this case Israel can’t apply the rules of naval blockade in a time of armed conflict between states. But Gaza Strip is not also a part of Israel. And even if it were, in case of a civil war naval blockade can’t go further than territorial waters. Thus, though Israel declared Gaza Strip some obscure enemy territory, many international and humanitarian organizations keep on regarding it as an occupied territory.

All these facts make the blockade of Gaza Strip and impediment for supplies of humanitarian cargo violating the international law, moreover concerning that the mentioned above Resolution 1860 of UN Security Council “calls for the unimpeded provision and distribution throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance”. Israeli attack on Freedom Flotilla may be regarded thereby as an act of hostility towards the countries, which owned the vessels with humanitarian aid and passengers of which became victims of the conflict. In turn, the actions of crew members and passengers of Mavi Marmara can be regarded as a rightful attempt to resist the attackers of the ship on the high sea.

Particularly this, or similar position was supported by many famous diplomats and specialists in international and sea law in many countries of the world.

Read the whole article on