Thursday, June 3, 2010

Israel facing a new Intifada

After Israeli troops attacked the Peace Convoy in the morning of 31st of May it became obvious that it was the best moment for pressing upon Israel. During the recent years this country has been violating international law too openly: it uses British and Australian passports to carry out acts of terrorism in foreign countries, continues building of settlements in Palestinian territories, and now it has come to actual piracy. Information is to be spread extremely actively now; for example, photos of killed human rights activists or crates with cookies stained with blood. Formally, Israel is right: the blockade was launched long ago, the territories were occupied, and human rights activists were warned about possible responsibility.
A session of the Security Council is to be called for; sanctions, eliminating of the blockade, and launching of humanitarian missions are to be demanded. Pressing can be carried out using massive meetings in front of embassies, boycott of Israeli goods, and departing of Israeli diplomats.
In theory, it is high time for Russia to remember about its own concerns in the Middle East. Russian neutrality allows interfering the situation, condemning Israel, and proposing guarantees of peaceful reconciliation of the conflict. Together with Turkey, Russia is to call for a session of the UN Security Council and to bring this act of state-level terrorism to the highest level of international discussion. It would also allow to improve the authority of the UN, which the president Dmitry Medvedev is talking about so often.
In fact, Russia allows various foreign political powers to manipulate with Russian opinion concerning the current situation. Yevgeny Satanovsky, the president of the pro-Israel Middle East Institute, was the first to comment upon the event from the Russian side in his interview to official broadcasting station “Voice of Russia”. He named the attack righteous and called for an immediate occupation of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli forces. This means that, unlike Turkey, Russia does not have any strategy in the Middle East.
And if Russia stays aside fruitful actions are unlikely to be taken against Israel.

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