Tuesday, June 1, 2010

FUTURE OF EUROPE: New security system or new “Berlin walls”?

What should the Europeans be afraid of today? Many still believe that the main threat is coming from Russia and try to install some powder kegs between itself and this potential enemy.
But much more real are threats coming from inside. In the first place — it's the unpredictable and inadequate behavior of the “new democracies” of Eastern Europe; their political climate is very favorable for the emergence of the ultra-nationalist regimes as if they were transferred by a time machine right from the 1930s—1940s. It is them who create the zone of conflicts around the Europe, which threatens the Old World with numerous troubles. The most outrageous example of them is Georgian troops invasion in Southern Ossetia in August of 2008. Only intervention of the Russian army saved the citizens of Ossetian city Tskhinvali from the genocide, which cannot be denied: Georgian tanks were firing directly to the residential houses, schools and hospitals. Recently Dmitry Medvedev made a public statement that if the effective international security institution, capable to stop the aggressor, existed in 2008, Georgia would have never taken the audacity to unleash the war against the people of South Ossetia.
There are yet other potential threats coming from inside - for example, economic crisis that can destroy European architecture so thoroughly built during the last decades.
It is therefore to unify all possible sources to improve the situation. And not the least of the actions needed is adooption of a common European security system.

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