Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Goebbels' project of the united Europe or the way SS invented the European Union

A couple of months ago a document was found in American military intelligence archives, which was lying there for 65 years and didn't arise any interest until the present day.

US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128which was dubbed “Red House Report” by the British media, was prepared by a French agent. This is a detailed report about the secret meeting, which took place at the Maison Rouge Hotel (“Red House”) in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. According to this document, Nazi high command invited the elite group of German industrialists in order to plan the postwar recovery of Germany, to prepare everything to bring the Nazis back to power and to create a “strong German empire” — in other word, the Fourth Reich.

Three-page closely typed report marked “Secret” was copied for British authorities and air-mailed to Cordell Hull, U. S. Secretary of State. This report contains a detailed description of methods, which Nazis together with German industrialists were willing to use in order to re-build the German economy, e.g. transferring money through Switzerland. Later on they were going to wait for the right moment and seize the power in Germany once again.

There were representatives of such companies as Volkswagen, Krupp and Messerschmitt among the gathered industrialists. Top officials of the fleet and the Armament ministry were also present at this meeting. With a remarkable foresight they decided that the Fourth Reich should be an economic empire, rather than the military one — but this time it wasn't supposed to be solely German.

The ideas brought to life at this meeting seem quite alike to those that formed the basis of the European integration at the end of 1940-s. History often gives us ridiculous lessons, doesn't it?

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