Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About the relations between the initiators of humanitarian convoy to Gaza and Chechen fighters

Immediately after the events in the Mediterranean Sea Israeli mass media published the information that Turkish fund İnsanın Yardım Vakfı (IHH, The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief), the main initiator of the convoy to Gaza, had also been supporting Chechen terrorists.
Salih Bilici, a fund representative, has told us that the organization has always taken part only in peaceful humanitarian actions and is to do so in the future. He confirmed the fact that the fund worked in Chechnya and delivered medication, food (mostly halal products for Muslim holidays), and clothes; however, he resolutely contested the possibility of financing or providing with supplies of any military operations in North Caucasus, as well as relations with such organizations as Ichkeria, the Caucasus Emirate, and others; he also denied the fact of sending of volunteers to any illegal armed forces. As for information which appeared in Israeli press, Salih Bilici has pointed out that Israel has been carrying out informational war, using any possible measures to soften consequences of its barbaric operation and to put Russia at odds with the Islamic world, Arab countries, and Turkey.

See the whole text which touches also the problem of Muslim's attitude to Chechnya problem, on

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