Sunday, May 23, 2010

A big game around the pipeline Iran-Pakistan-India

Iran possesses large deposits of natural gas, for today confirmed deposits amount to more than 30 trillion cubic meters – the country holds the second place in the world, following the Russian Federation. For recent years production and consumption of natural gas were growing rapidly in Iran, but this country has very limited export capacity. Most of nearest neighbors of Iran, such as Arabic countries of Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, have their own substantial supplies of hydrocarbon resources. Iran makes attempts to develop the export of liquefied gas, but for that foreign investments and technologies are needed. But due to USA pressing many large western companies have to refuse to cooperate with Iran or suspend cooperation. As a result, two still “free” ways of transporting gas with the help of pipelines are very important for Iran: to Turkey and through it probably to Europe; and to Pakistan, and through it to India or China. Iran already exports gas to Turkey through existing pipeline, but a new pipeline is needed to expand export to Turkey and Europe. However, in this case a new pipeline is to be built in the most mountainous regions of both Iran and Turkey, because the main deposits of gas are situated in the southern part of the country. Therefore, it is suggested that a pipeline through Pakistan may be more advantageous for Iran, taking into consideration the possibility of entering Indian and Chinese markets, which can provide export of Iranian gas for many decades to come. It is planned to take gas for this pipeline from the world’s largest shelf deposit “South Pars” in Persian Gulf; this deposits amounts to 14.2 trillion cubic meters, and production volume, according to some data, can amount up to 150 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

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