Monday, May 24, 2010

Why did the West lose the Second World War?

A lot of Russians believe that we’re living in the age of the Western triumph. West surrounds us everywhere. It reigns over the popular car models and at the labels of trendy clothes; it is in the photographs of pop-idols and political brands. In both literal and figurative senses, we’re dancing to the Western music. Who might doubt the triumph of the prevailed civilization?
This, however, is a provincial view from Himki or Odoevo1. This is a view of people who lived through crush of the "iron curtain" and literally lost their steps due to an avalanche of the forbidden goods that rushed from over the burst-through dam. Being in a panic we are even ready to claim the banal market relations to be the "Western achievement" though the market existed as far back as in the times of ancient Sumerians or Siam, thousands of years before the Wall Street.
At the very same time American ideologist Patrick Buchanan is writing a book named "Death of the West". Startling name was given not for the sake of an ad sensation. There’s a sincere anxiety of an American patriot not only for his country but for the whole Euro-Atlantic civilization in every single line.

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