Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"PERSISTENT AND SOMETIMES BELLICOSE": Fighters against the "Bronze Soldier" monument decided to rattle their sabers again

There is a large category of stateless people in Estonia (about 8% of population). As opposed to the permanent foreign residents, they can’t elect or be elected, although, they live in the country, work and pay taxes since their birth. The only indulgence is that the non-nationals with permanent residence permit have a right to elect (but not to be elected) during the local elections. As you might’ve guessed, there are few native Estonians among them.
The former are still feeling the "Russian threat". Given such background Lieutenant General Ants Laaneots — Estonian Chief of Defense — said that the European historical course has made Estonians even-tempered and wise. "We had to be flexible, persistent, stubborn and sometimes even bellicose living here by the Baltic Sea in order to remain as a nation" — he said. "Protection of independence grounds on people’s will to defend themselves — people who considered our territory to be their Motherland. The last subject includes not only military aspect, but our common willingness to protect our state, our people, our nearest and dearest and ourselves from any threats", — Laaneots said.

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