Sunday, May 23, 2010

A new strategy in Ukrainian-Russian relations?

On the 22nd of April the negotiations between the Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych and the Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev ended in success: important interstate agreements were signed; the main and the most expected among them were contracts concerning renting of the Russian Naval Forces base in Sevastopol, and gas deliveries. The Black Sea Fleet will stay in Sevastopol for 25 years after the end of the renting (2017); and Ukraine receives a significant discount for Russian fuel. Russian political analyst Alexander Sotnichenko asks himself to what extent can the results of the negotiations be treated successful? What will be the consequences of the agreements for Russia, Ukraine, and the whole world?

This was the first time that the Russian president visited Ukraine after “the orange revolution.” The results of presidential elections have clearly demonstrated that Ukrainian people got tired of anti-Russian propaganda which resulted in a breach of political and cultural connections between the two nations, as well as stagnation of economy. Events of the last two months show that Viktor Yanukovych pays much attention to Russian support of Ukrainian development. The discount granted for gas purchase will help to struggle crisis. However, apart from that further mutually profitable relations between industries of the two countries are to be developed, and breached connections are to be restored...

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