Monday, May 31, 2010

Rood quarrel

April of 2010 has been marked as an important milestone of German politics: for the first time a female German citizen of Turkish origin took the position of a minister. Although that was not a federal appointment – 38-year old Aygul Ozkan took the position of the minister for social issues and integration problems of Lower Saxony – the event immediately drew attention of German society. One of the reasons of such attention is a not very long but quite symptomatic political scandal Aygul Ozkan got involved into right after the appointment: she made a statement in which she demanded to remove roods from school classrooms. Both this appointment and the following scandal demonstrate quite peculiar tendencies of modern German politics, which are truly worth discussing.
Could this appointment be considered a similar milestone as Barack Obama's election to a sacred study in Capitolium? I doubt so: both German politicians and Mrs. Ozkan herself admit that her appointment should attract Turks' votes in coming Landtag elections.

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