Sunday, May 23, 2010

New prospects of Russian-Vietnamese cooperation

The next year is to become a momentous event for cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The republic will celebrate the 65th anniversary of independence, the 35th anniversary of the country’s union (the two events the USSR was directly involved), as well as the 60th anniversary of Vietnam independence recognition by the USSR and establishing of diplomatic intercourse between the two countries. According to the data of the Vietnamese government, within 60 years specialists form the USSR and Russia have actually created basic industry branches, built about 250 industrial objects; in higher education institutes of Moscow and other Soviet cities more than 52 thousand of the Vietnamese citizens obtained qualification. Now they form political, scientific, cultural, and economic elite of the country. After the collapse of the Soviet Union there was a slight stagnation in cooperation between the two countries. However, it was in this period (1994) that an Agreement concerning the basic principles of relations between Vietnam and Russia was developed and signed. Later, alongside with a later adopted Declaration of strategic partnership between the two countries, it became a solid foundation for further development of bilateral relations...

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