Sunday, May 23, 2010

“Mistral” – the wind of change

In the opinion of a number of experts, the development of relations between the Russian Federation and France are essential right now, when the US administration, being the most influential institute of global politics, doesn’t pay attention to any of them. This point of view is shared by a French political scientist Fabio Liberti, who claimed in one of his interviews that “this is the omission which Sarkozi wants to use to construct special Franco-Russian relations. These relations may turn into more expand cooperation between Europe and Russia in the sphere of economy and security”. The signing of the agreement between “Gazprom” and “Gaz de France Suez” on the acquisition of 9 percent of “North Flow” shares in return for provision by Russian gas company of additional 1.5 billion cubic metres annually (starting in 2015) turned to be the next achievement. Then Medvedev negotiated that Russia would by 2 war-ships from France and construct two ships in the national ship-yards under corresponding license. The cooperation of the two countries in rocket and space sphere has already become typical: Paris is going to spend nearly 1 billion dollars on purchasing 14 launch systems “Soyuz”.

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