Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Russian Idea and Russia's place in the world

In the recent years Russia has become a partner in multilateral combinations of the international actors, who seek survival and development without losing their independence. It's a kind of realpolitik too, but filled with much more ethics and common sense. But still the independent strugglers for the common future in this diverse and (at the same time) globalized world lack the unification force, lack the powerful mediator. Probably, Russia could be such a force, for it is a country that unified all the major world cultures under one roof and every such culture feels at home; but to play such a part, Russia should become a new social economical reality, and it couldn't be done by the blood of any kind of revolution. We actually have just one option — something like the Soviet Union plus belief in God. And, of course, the realities, that are quite different now, must be taken into consideration.

We lacked such an example in the past in our domestic as well as foreign politics. In that case the number of supporters, ready to help us, risking their own lives, could have been greater, and their quantity could have made quality, a prerequisite for success. And the number of defectors (who always have their personal material egoism underneath their “sublime” ideas, if we look at them a bit closer, and who “were so kind” to bring us knowledge of some valuable Soviet intelligence agents of the past) could have been less.

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