Monday, May 24, 2010


Protest actions against the appointment of Dmitro Tabachnyk as an Education and Science Minister have spread all over the west of the Ukraine. In Lvov, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk people dub him to be "anti-Ukrainian" politician who has set the goal of ousting the state language of the country out of the educational sphere. Though, according to the opinion of the observers, true scopes of the campaign against Dmitro Tabachnyk are significantly exaggerated by its ringleaders. The latter are trying to pass the situation for a rebellion of entire student community. In the meantime, the so-called "anti-tobacco campaign" that is attempted to be depicted as the tide of the active student protests is not so massive and nationwide as the "westernees" claim it to be. And it was caused not by the professional activity of the Minister who has been holding the post for a mere month, but rather some old scores. Because you know, Dmitro Tabachnyk is a consistent adherent of harmonization with Russia and is also a fierce enemy of "making a hero" out of Stepan Bander and the OUN-UPA.

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