Friday, May 28, 2010


In summer 2008 Toronto University employee PhD Ivan Kachanovsky published sensational information from the Franklin Roosevelt archives. According to it, in 1941-42 FBI agents, U. S. Presidential Intelligence Service and the U. S. Presidential Security Service were seeking for the OUN agents, sent to the USA by the Third Reich.

According to the data, obtained by American special services — including the information from their informants at the pro-fascist organizations of the Eastern Europe — press attaché of the German embassy in Argentina (certain Zinser) has organized a group of the Ukrainian terrorists who were charged with a mission to kill the U. S. President F. Roosevelt. One million Reichsmarks were promised for this order. Gregory Matseyko headed the group — in 1934 he murdered Bronislav Pieracky, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs due to the Bandera’s order. Nicolay Lebed and Darya Gnatkovskaya — convicted by the Polish court for the same crime and later liberated from the Polish prison by the Germans — also were the members of the terrorist group.

See the whole text of the article, which is rather interesting to follow, on

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