Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Yalta System still alive?

Sixty five years ago in the Crimea the second conference of the Allies took place, including marshal Joseph Stalin, the prime minister Winston Churchill, and the president Franklin Roosevelt. It is often stated that Yalta is the turning point in the history of modern Europe: there the borders have been established which remain unchanged till now; “spheres of influence” of the West and the USSR have been determined, which has later caused the appearance of two military blocks; and the fate of post-war Germany has been determined, as well. The Yalta system has proved stable; and until recently none has dared to argue the existing borders in Central and Eastern Europe. As for the scheme of balance between the East and the West, it still exists despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and NATO expansion to the East.

How serious may be consequences for Europe and Russia, if the main principles of the Yalta agreements are undone? A point of view has appeared that these decisions are to be revised. The answer is obvious: such revision, especially the one of state borders, may cause a new global catastrophe. Those who call upon “finishing Yalta for ever” hardly realize what terrible daemons they may summon.

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