Monday, May 24, 2010

Thousands of commemoration lights at the graves of Russian soldiers in Poland

Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers — who died for the sake of liberation of Poland from the fascists in 1944-45 — are buried at the military cemeteries in Poland. The largest cemetery, where more than 32 thousand of the soldiers-liberators have found their final peace, is situated in Braniewo, close to the border with the Kaliningrad oblast. There are nearly 22 thousands in Warsaw, at the Żwirko and Wigura Street, 11 thousand — in Bielsko-Biała, 8 thousand — in Wrocław. Polish government is regularly allotting several million zloty for the maintenance of these Second World War memorials, but you may only find there fresh flowers or lit up candles once in a blue moon. After the collapse of the socialistic bloc quite new approach to the estimate of the Soviet Army role in the liberation of the country started to prevail. Our soldiers were treated as the occupants, who brought socialism on their bayonets. Role of the USSR as the liberator from the Hitler’s fascism moved to the background without being noticed.
The 65th anniversary of the great victory became the turning point in the attitude of common Poles towards Russia and the role of the Soviet soldiers in the Polish liberation.

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